Michael Flynn Claims The Government Will Put COVID Vaccine In Salad Dressing

2 years ago 341

Trump pardoned convicted felon Mike Flynn claims that the “Deep State” is going to enactment COVID vaccine successful crockery dressing.

Video of Flynn:

In a amusement dedicated to covid and predetermination fraud conspiracies, Michael Flynn yesterday brings up an nonfiction helium work that the Deep State aesculapian constitution is readying to secretly enactment the covid vaccine successful crockery dressing. pic.twitter.com/45LniXtnYA

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) September 22, 2021

Flynn mentioned that the “deep state” is readying to enactment the vaccine successful crockery dressing and past claimed that “these people” are trying to enforce their volition connected “us.”

Keep successful caput that the feline who thinks that determination is simply a crippled to enactment COVID vaccine successful crockery dressing was a idiosyncratic who Donald Trump thought was acceptable to beryllium his nationalist information adviser.

Flynn is simply a convicted felon who deserves to inactive beryllium down bars. He has called for the convulsive overthrow of the United States government. Flynn is not just  a conspiracy theorist who worries astir the authorities putting life-saving vaccines successful crockery dressings. He is besides a information to the country.

It is casual to laughter astatine radical similar Mike Flynn, but recognize that the lies and calls for unit against the United States authorities correspond a sedate menace to US democracy.

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